Ski Touring Course in the Alps
Move Your Limits
Our first official ski touring course started this weekend. Great crew, positive vibes, perfect weather and productive sessions. Get a sneak peek behind this great trip.

Ski touring is a multidisciplinary sport. A bit of mountaineering, a bit of skiing, a bit of alpinism. So, it absolutely feels great to have our first course participants coming from both skiing and mountaineering background. A well-matched group that already on the first trip went from basics of ski touring to elements of ski mountaineering. Here are a few snapshots from the trip.

Ski touring course curriculum

The whole course starts with an introductory session days before heading out to the mountains. That's when we sort out the course flow, expectations and double check on the minimum requirements, i.e. fitness level and skiing level. Then we clear out the logistics and prepare the terrain for a constructive session on the snow.

In essence, the curriculum spread over 6 days spent in the mountains. Daytime is for practice and evenings in the huts are for theory.  covers all aspects of ski touring. Starting with basic personal skills for ascent and descent, and introduction to ski touring gear - from usage, tips and tricks to the buying guide. The second pillar is 'the place': safety (own and team members), risk assessments, fundamental avalanche planning in theory and practice. The third pillar is planning your trip and combining all together to make a solid base for future ski tourers.

We cover all aspects of ski touring. We start with basic personal skills for ascent and descent, and introduction to ski touring gear - from usage, tips and tricks to the buying guide. The second pillar is 'the place': safety (own and team members), risk assessments, fundamental avalanche planning in theory and practice. The third pillar is planning your trip and combining it all into a holistic unit that makes a solid base for future ski tourers.

Ski touring trip 

Once we're up on the mountain, we start with basic hands-on knowledge. Setting up your gear and basic movements. Gradually and methodologically we work our way up to more advanced skills.

ski touring course in slovenia

Briefing before heading out on the tour.

ski touring course induction

Putting up the ski touring skins.

ski touring course tripHands on instructions, exercises and tips.

ski touring trip in sloveniaSo the day begins with practice, practice, practice.

ski touring slovenia

Once we've all mastered the official part, there is always time for a joke.


Technique and precision are super important. Individual feedback and fine-tuning the details.


Eventually we move the focus from the skiis and technique to the surrounding zen.


Final plateau...

6_ski_touring_slovenian_alps...and we've reached our goal for the day. Saddle with views of Italian Alps.

7_ski_touring_descend_sloveniaKrešo carving his signature in the deep snow...

8_ski_touring_descend_slovenia..and Marko S. confidently tackling the last section of the downhill.a_ski_touring_course_day_2Next day, early start towards to another saddle.


On day two, we practice advancement without the skiis...

c_ski_touring_slovenia_mountaineering...and even do a short climb... the nearby 'window'.

e_ski_touring_descend_sunny_sloveniaPositive vibe...

f_ski_touring_descend_to_the_base...and again, some skill on the downhill.

g_skiing_sloveniaBack in the shaded northern slope, some well preserved deep snow.

h_ski_touring_course_day_2Thanks everyone for a great trip. Stay tuned for more.

*Kudos for great photos to NevenGo who tirelessly clicked as we lead the course. 🙂

Hey lets do an adventure trip together! 

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